Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Research in Motion Patent Infringement Woes Continue

Just when you thought your BlackBerry was safe from any disruption in service--Research in Motion, maker of the popular wireless email device, was sued again for patent infringement. This suit follows another patent infringement lawsuit where Research in Motion settled out of court for over $600 million following years of litigation.

The present lawsuit brought by Visto Corp. seeks a halt to use of software for wireless email in which Visto Corp. is the owner of three patents which it alleges the BlackBerry infringes. Stay tuned as this battle may have a much quicker resolution than Research in Motion's previous lawsuit. This lawsuit was filed in Marshall, TX--home of speedy trials. (See Patents+TMS newsletter article in the Spring 2006 issue, separately linked below.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool article!

9:29 AM  

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