Wednesday, May 17, 2006

ABC's American Inventor Season Finale on Thursday

On May 18, 2006 at 7:00pm CST, ABC will replay last week's American
show which focused on a 30-second commercial for each invention.
Without spoiling the show for those of you who missed it, I have to say
that I was very impressed with Ed Hall's commercial for the "Word Ace".
In addition, Janusz's commercial for the "Spherical Safety Seat" was
powerful, but it would have been helpful to see the seat actually move.
Agree? Please post a comment.

On May 18, 2006 at 8:00pm CST, ABC will reveal the winner of the American
inventor show who will also pocket $1,000,000! Who will win? Should be
an interesting vote...Ed Hall or Janusz Liberkowski are probably the
front-runners! My vote is for Janusz! Agree? Please post your winner
and why you choose him by posting a comment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

#Janusz ALL THE WAY!!!!!

3:36 PM  

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