Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Texas A&M v. Seattle Seahawks: '12th MAN' Dispute Resolved

Texas A&M University (TAMU) and the Seattle Seahawks settled the university's lawsuit over the phrase, '12TH MAN' which is the subject of TAMU's Registered U.S. Trademark Nos. 1,948,306 and 1,612,053. According to the Associated Press, Seattle has acknowledged TAMU's ownership rights in the trademarked phrase and TAMU has granted a license to Seattle to use the mark. Seattle will not have to change the marking in its stadium but will have to place a statement citing TAMU's registered mark in any broadcasts that feature the mark '12th MAN'. A TAMU official has stated that the university will monitor Seattle's use of the mark to ensure the terms of the settlement are followed. A Seattle official used the media opportunity to announce that the Seahawks may sell a '12th MAN' burger during this coming season at concession stands. Gig 'em Aggies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a Buffalonian at heart, if Im correct the "Buffalo Bills" have the "12th man" in their stadium as well, high above the crowd mounted in Rich Statuim. I know this, because my father is recognized as a 12th man because he has had Bills tickets since I was born. I wonder why both teams havent been penalized?

11:06 AM  
Blogger Patents+TMS, P.C. said...

Here is an excerpt from www.wikipedia.com that may explain the Buffalo Bills' use of the mark '12th MAN'. "According to statements made by Texas A&M officials, they have sent requests to stop using the phrase to the Seattle Seahawks (2004, 2005), Buffalo Bills (undated), and the Chicago Bears (undated). Both the Bills and the Bears responded to the requests stating they would no longer use the phrase, however the Seahawks failed to respond to the request". The Seahawks failure to respond eventually led to the lawsuit of interest in this blog post.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the excerpt from www.wikipedia.com?

3:40 PM  

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