Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Doug Hall - Judge of American Inventor

Doug Hall - the self-proclaimed 'American Inventor' - is a former 'Master Marketing Inventor' for Proctor & Gamble. Doug has a Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Maine and is the founder and current CEO of Eureka! Ranch which is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Eureka! Ranch is a 'think tank' which serves many large corporate clients in the creation and development of new products and services. Doug Hall, has two published patent applications which identify Doug as an inventor - U.S. Patent Application Publication Nos. 20050177442 and 20030225786. The '442 application relates to a method and system for performing retail transactions which uses a wireless device in lieu of conventional financial cards. The '786 application relates to a method for simulating customer reaction to stimulus based on historical observable customer outcomes. For example, embodiments of the invention describe a series of steps that, when taken together, accomplish a predictive outcome of customer simulation from source inputs without prior assumptions of relationships between inputs and simulated outcomes.

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