Thursday, May 18, 2006

Chicago Bulls' Ben Gordon to Launch BG7 Energy Drink-Where is his Trademark?

Last night on the news, WGN-TV in Chicago featured a press conference in which Ben Gordon of the Chicago Bulls announced the launching of his new energy drink "BG7" to apparently compete with the infamous Red Bull. Personally, I found it interesting that a young professional basketball player was apparently doing this on his own-and was wondering if it was truly on his own and not with the backing of a giant endorsement from someone like Gatorade, Pepsi, Coke, or some other lesser known player in the market. Therefore, a trademark search was conducted!

Trademark searches are always an interesting way to determine what MIGHT be coming into the marketplace because to reserve the right to use a name, an individual or company can file an "intent to use" application. That application is public information the day the application is filed.

With such a catchy, unique, simple name as "BG7"--a trademark search was easy and straightforward. Much to my surprise, no mark has been filed either in any state, federally, or internationally--although a federal registration is clearly warranted for such a product. At that point, I realized that Ben Gordon must be doing this on his ow--because no major company without error or oversight would miss this crucial step. That step, of course, is filing of a trademark application!

So, Ben Gordon--the message is clear! File your trademark application for what is evidently your own undertaking and product--BG7. We look forward to seeing it on the shelves with an R in a circle following its name soon!


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