Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Nike + iPod

Today, Nike and Apple announced a partnership to develop athletic accessories for the iPod nano. With the help of Apple, Nike has developed a line of clothing and athletic shoes for utilizing the iPod during cardiovascular activities. Nike developed shoes with sensors and a kit for allowing the shoes to wirelessly transmit data to an iPod. The information includes distance and speed and can be viewed on the iPod's screen or heard through earphones connected to the iPod. Also, the data can be later uploaded to a computer for tracking of training progress. Of course, Nike's new clothing line allows wearers to store their iPod nanos in cool dry locations with easy access for GUI (not gooey) interaction. Please provide comments on whether or not you would purchase and use any of these products.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely! I recently bought a Nano so I could to listen to PMBR CDs while I work out (Bar Exam preparation...Blah!). After the Bar, I plan to train for the upcoming Chicago Marathon. I'll definitely be on the lookout for Nike's/Apple's new gear.

Thanks for the heads-up!

9:52 PM  

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